Using comparators

When you need to specify comparators for a command (for example LIST) specify them in the form KEYWORD-COMPARATOR(value). For example, VALFROM-GE(060124)

If no comparator is specified, EQ is assumed. If the PIF command does not support comparators, they are ignored.

The following list shows the valid comparators:
Equal to
Not equal to
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to

The native PIF convention for specifying comparators is to specify the comparator at the end of the field, and the comparison works counter intuitively. For example, VALFROM=060124<= means when 060124 is less than or equal to the value of VALFROM in the application in the database NOT when VALFROM in the database is less than or equal to 060124.

The Workload Automation Programming Language notation works the more intuitive way, therefore VALFROM-GE(060124) means list applications whose VALID FROM date is greater than or equal to 060124.

Hence, VALFROM-GE(060124) translates to VALFROM=060124<= in native PIF.

You can still use the native PIF approach to specify comparators, by appending the comparator onto the value inside the keyword parentheses, as follows:
Note: Comparators are valid only for native PIF commands LIST, SELECT, and DELETE. They are not valid for keywords of any other command.