JSSTART behaviour

Current plan JCL records (JS) are related to Current plan operation records (CPOP) in using the same information as the key: Application Name, Input Arrival, and Operation number.

Even if an Operation exists, this does not mean that an equivalent JS record exists. A JS record is created by HCL Workload Automation for Z when job setup runs for an operation, or if no setup occurs at Job Submission. A JS record can also be created by a user editing JCL through the Current Plan ahead of submission and saving the results. Equally after submission someone could delete a JS record.

Because of this behaviour, JSSTART searches for the Operation, rather than just the JCL, to obtain all of the operation details, then it determines if a JS record exists so if DBMODE(ADD) is used the appropriate actions can be taken. If a matching operation does not exist, the JSSTART command fails.

Because the information in the common segment is inherited from the CPOP record and the JCL is specified as a whole, you cannot use OPTIONS DBMODE(UPDATE) and OPTIONS DBMODE(COPY) together with JSSTART.

Note: If you do not specify ADID, IA, and OPNO, the JSSTART statement uses the other keywords to find matching jobs and update all the operations matching your criteria.