Batch loader ACTION

The ACTION keyword is available on every batch loader statement and determines for what action the statement is to be used.

The default (and most used action) is ADD, meaning that the statement is used to define a segment.

The following values are valid for ACTION within batch loader statements:
The statement is defining an object or part of an object to be stored in the database.
The segment is removed from the object. DELETE is not valid for primary batch loader statements (for example, ADSTART, CLSTART), objects themselves must be deleted by the DELETE command, not ACTION(DELETE) within batch loader statements. DELETE is valid only in conjunction with OPTIONS DBMODE(COPY) or OPTIONS DBMODE(UPDATE).
The Batch Loader input is translated into ISPF loader output without being sent to the database. This is to allow Batch Loader to be sent into ISPF format, using ILSON, for manipulation before being sent into the database.
When an Application is created using ACTION(SUBMIT), instead of being stored in the Database it is inserted into the Current Plan without updating the database (only valid for ADSTART). Any occurrence created using this option will be Valid for all dates.
If you specify SETDEFAULT, the remaining keyword values of the statement become default values for all the statements of the same type that follow. No database element is updated. Keywords that you do not specify are assigned their standard defaults. For more information about how SETDEFAULT works within Workload Automation Programming Language, see SETDEFAULT behaviour in Workload Automation Programming Language.
SETDEFAULT cannot be used for the following keywords:
  • On ADDEP keywords PREWSID, PREOPNO, PREJOBN and PREADID can not be used with SETDEFAULT.
  • On ADOP keywords WSID, JOBN, PREWSID, PREOPNO and PREJOBN can not be used with SETDEFAULT. Using OPNO with SETDEFAULT does not set the default operation number, instead it sets the interval to add to previous operation numbers when automatic operation numbering is used.
  • On ADOPEXTN keyword EXTNAME can not be used with SETDEFAULT.
  • On ADRULE no keywords can be used with SETDEFAULT.
  • On ADRUN keywords NAME and PERIOD can not be used with SETDEFAULT.
  • On ADSR keyword RESOURCE can not be used with SETDEFAULT.
  • On OISTART keywords ADID, JOBN, OPNO and MEMBER can not be used with SETDEFAULT.