The event data set

The event data set is needed to even out any difference in the rate that events are being generated and processed, and to prevent events from being lost if the HCL Workload Automation for Z address space or a subtask must be restarted. The first byte in an exit record is A if the event is created on a JES2 system, or B if the event is created on a JES3 system. This byte is found in position 21 of a standard event record, or position 47 of a continuation (type N) event. Bytes 2 and 3 in the exit record define the event type. These event types are generated by HCL Workload Automation for Z for jobs and started tasks:
Reader event. A job has entered the JES system.
Job-start event. A job has started to execute.
Step-end event. A job step has finished executing.
Job-end event. A job has finished executing.
Job-termination event. A job has been added to the JES output queues.
Print event. An output group has been printed.
Purge event. All output for a job has been purged from the JES system.
If any of these event types are not being created in the event data set (EQQEVDS), a problem must be corrected before HCL Workload Automation for Z is started in production mode.
  1. The creation of step-end events (3S) depends on the value you specify in the STEPEVENTS keyword of the EWTROPTS statement. The default is to create a step-end event only for abending steps in a job or started task.
  2. The creation of print events depends on the value you specify in the PRINTEVENTS keyword of the EWTROPTS statement. By default, print events are created.
Perform these actions to verify that events are being created on your system:
  1. Run a job:
    1. Submit a job like the following, ensuring that the output is written to a non-held output class:
      Test job
      //SYSUT2   DD SYSOUT=A
      //SYSIN    DD DUMMY
      //SYSUT1   DD *
    2. Verify that the job has executed, printed, and purged.
    3. Browse the EQQEVDS data set using the ISPF/PDF browse facility. You should find these events on the event data set:
      • Type 1 event
      • Type 2 event
      • Type 3J event
      • Type 3P event
      • Type 4 event
      • Type 5 event.
      The events are prefixed with A for JES2 or B for JES3. You might also find type 3S as events, depending on the value specified on the STEPEVENTS keyword of the EWTROPTS initialization statement.
  2. Repeat step 1 for a started task.