Performing problem determination for tracking events

Problem determination depends on which event is missing and whether the events are created on a JES2 or JES3 system. In Problem determination for missing tracking events, the first column refers to the event type that is missing, and the second column tells you what action to perform. Events created on a JES2 system are prefixed with A, and events created on a JES3 system with B. The first entry in the table applies when all event types are missing (when the event data set does not contain any tracking events).

Table 1. Problem determination for missing tracking events
Type Problem determination actions
  1. Verify in the EQQMLOG data set that the event writer has started successfully.
  2. Verify that the definition of the EQQEVDS ddname in the HCL Workload Automation for Z started-task procedure is correct (that is, events are written to the correct data set).
  3. Verify that the required exits have been installed.
  4. Verify that the IEFSSNnn member of SYS1.PARMLIB has been updated correctly, and that an IPL of the z/OS system has been performed since the update.
A1 If both A3P and A5 events are also missing:
  1. Verify that the HCL Workload Automation for Z version of the JES2 exits 7 and 51 routines have been correctly installed. Use the JES commands $T EXIT(7) and $T EXIT(51) or $DMODULE(OPCAXIT7) and $DMODULE(TWSXIT51).
  2. Verify that the JES2 initialization data set contains a LOAD statement and an EXIT7 statement for the HCL Workload Automation for Z version of JES2 exit 7 (OPCAXIT7).

    Verify also that the JES2 initialization data set contains a LOAD statement and an EXIT51 statement for the version of JES2 exit 51 (TWSXIT51)

  3. Verify that the exit has been added to a load module library reachable by JES2 and that JES2 has been restarted since this was done.
  1. Verify that the HCL Workload Automation for Z version of the JES3 exit IATUX29 routine has been correctly installed.
  2. Verify that the exit has been added to a load-module library that JES3 can access.
  3. Verify that JES3 has been restarted.
  1. Verify that the job for which no type 2 event was created has started to execute. A type 2 event will not be created for a job that is flushed from the system because of JCL errors.
  2. Verify that the IEFUJI exit has been correctly installed:
    1. Verify that the SMF parameter member SMFPRMnn in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set specifies that the IEFUJI exit should be called.
    2. Verify that the IEFUJI exit has not been disabled by an operator command.
    3. Verify that the correct version of IEFUJI is active. If SYS1.PARMLIB defines LPALIB as a concatenation of several libraries, z/OS uses the first IEFUJI module found.
    4. Verify that the library containing this module was updated by the HCL Workload Automation for Z version of IEFUJI and that z/OS has been IPLed since the change was made.
A3S/B3SIf type 3J events are also missing:
  1. Verify that the IEFACTRT exit has been correctly installed.
  2. Verify that the SMF parameter member SMFPRMnn in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set specifies that the IEFACTRT exit should be called.
  3. Verify that the IEFACTRT exit has not been disabled by an operator command.
  4. Verify that the correct version of IEFACTRT is active. If SYS1.PARMLIB defines LPALIB as a concatenation of several libraries, z/OS uses the first IEFACTRT module found.
  5. Verify that this library was updated by the HCL Workload Automation for Z version of IEFACTRT and that z/OS has been IPLed since the change was made.

If type 3J events are not missing, verify, in the EQQMLOG data set, that the event writer has been requested to generate step-end events. Step-end events are created only if the EWTROPTS statement specifies STEPEVENTS(ALL) or STEPEVENTS(NZERO) or if the job step abended.

A3J/B3J If type 3S events are also missing, follow the procedures described for type 3S events.
A3PIf A1 events are also missing, follow the procedures described for A1 events.
  1. Verify that the HCL Workload Automation for Z version of the JES3 exit IATUX19 routine has been correctly installed.
  2. Verify that the exit has been added to a load-module library that JES3 can access.
  3. Verify that JES3 has been restarted.
  1. If you have specified PRINTEVENTS(NO) on the EWTROPTS initialization statement, no type 4 events are created.
  2. Verify that JES has printed the job for which no type 4 event was created. Type 4 events will not be created for a job that creates only held SYSOUT data sets.
  3. Verify that the IEFU83 exit has been correctly installed:
    1. Verify that the SMF parameter member SMFPRMnn in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set specifies that the IEFU83 exit should be called.
    2. Verify that the IEFU83 exit has not been disabled by an operator command.
    3. Verify that the correct version of IEFU83 is active. If SYS1.PARMLIB defines LPALIB as a concatenation of several libraries, z/OS uses the first IEFU83 module found.
    4. Verify that the library containing this module was updated by the HCL Workload Automation for Z version of IEFU83 and that z/OS has been IPLed since the change was made.
    5. For JES2 users (A4 event), ensure that you have not specified TYPE6=NO on the JOBCLASS and STCCLASS statements of the JES2 initialization parameters.
  1. Verify that JES2 has purged the job for which no A5 event was created.
  2. Ensure that you have not specified TYPE26=NO on the JOBCLASS and STCCLASS statements of the JES2 initialization parameters.
  3. If A1 events are also missing, follow the procedures described for A1 events.
  1. Verify that JES3 has purged the job for which no B5 event was created.
  2. If B4 events are also missing, follow the procedures described for B4 events.