Ensuring that all installation tasks are complete

Ensure that you have performed all the installation tasks that are needed for your HCL Workload Automation for Z service. That is, you should have:
  • Followed the appropriate procedures for the HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem that you are installing
  • Installed the required JES and SMF exits, and verified that they are active
  • Created a JCL procedure for the tracker
  • Allocated required data sets
  • Given the security access for the subsystem to access the data sets
  • Specified the initialization statements in the parameter library (EQQPARM)
  • Included the tracker in the same XCF group as the controller, if the tracker uses an XCF connection
  • Defined a VTAM® LU name for the tracker and activated the VTAM® resources, if the tracker uses an NCF connection.