Re-creating registry files using twsinst

To re-create the registry files while upgrading an agent by using the twsinst script, from the directory that contains the HCL Workload Automation agent eImage, run twsinst using the synopsis described below.

On Windows operating systems:
Show command usage and version
twsinst -u | -v
Upgrade an instance
twsinst -update -uname user_name -password password
..-acceptlicense yes|no
  [-domain user_domain]
  [-recovInstReg true]
  [-inst_dir install_dir]
cscript twsinst -update -uname twsuser -password twspassword 
-acceptlicense yes -inst_dir "C:\Program Files\IBM\TWA" 
-recovInstReg true
On UNIX and Linux operating systems
Show command usage and version
./twsinst -u | -v
Upgrade an instance
./twsinst -update -uname user_name
..-acceptlicense yes|no
..[-inst_dir install_dir
..[-recovInstReg true]]
./twsinst -update -uname twsuser -inst_dir /opt/IBM/TWA 
-acceptlicense yes -recovInstReg true
For information about the twsinst parameters, see Procedure.