Integrating Clara after an environment update

Following this procedure, you can integrate Clara in the Dynamic Workload Console after an environment update.

About this task

To integrate Clara in the Dynamic Workload Console after an environment update, proceed as follows:


  1. Configure the engine on the Clara server. For further information, see: HCL Clara installation guide.
  2. Depending on your environment, stop the Dynamic Workload Console:
    UNIX operating systems
    <DWC_home>/appservertools/ [-direct]
    Windows operating systems
    <DWC_home>\appservertools\stopAppServer.bat [-direct]
  3. Modify the widget_config.xml file as follows:
    1. Copy the widget_config.xml template from the following path:
      UNIX operating systems
      Windows operating systems
    2. Paste the widget_config.xml template in the following path:
      UNIX operating systems
      Windows operating systems
    3. Specify a value for the claraHostname parameter.
      <server description="widget_config_variables">
      		<!-- Update the host name CLARA-->
      		<variable name="claraHostname" value=""/>
      		<!-- DO NOT CHANGE -->
      		<jndiEntry id="claraHost" jndiName="claraHost" decode="false" value="${claraHostname}"/>
      		<!-- DO NOT CHANGE ENDS -->
      		<!-- Update the value of the below variable with the alias of the keystore only if a new store is used other than provided store-->
      <variable name="certificateAlias" value=""/>
      <!-- DO NOT CHANGE -->
      <jndiEntry id="certificateAlias" jndiName="certificateAlias" decode="false" value="${certificateAlias}"/>
      <!-- DO NOT CHANGE ENDS -->
  4. Copy the clara.cer certificate from <clara_install_path>/nginx/cert and paste it in any folder.
    For custom certificates, see: Customizing SSL certificates
  5. Add the token as follows:
    1. Where the Dynamic Workload Console is installed, go to the java bin folder: <DWC_home>/java/jre/bin
      Note: On Windows systems, the path is: <DWC_home>\java\jre\bin
    2. Launch the following command:
      keytool -importcert -alias claraTest -file <Local path where certificate is stored>/clara.cer -keystore <DWC_home>/usr/servers/dwcServer/resources/security/TWSServerTrustFile.jks -storepass default -storetype jks
      Note: On Windows systems, the command is:
      keytool -importcert -alias claraTest -file <Local path where certificate is stored>/clara.cer -keystore <DWC_home>\usr\servers\dwcServer\resources\security\TWSServerTrustFile.jks -storepass default -storetype jks
  6. Confirm to upload the certificate.
  7. Start the Dynamic Workload Console:
    UNIX operating systems
    <DWC_home>/appservertools/ [-direct]
    Windows operating systems
    <DWC_home>\appservertools\startAppServer.bat [-direct]


You successfully integrated Clara in the Dynamic Workload Console. You can now start asking questions to Clara to receive assistance or learn about the product capabilities.