Manage personalized reports with BIRT

Create and run your personalized report with Business Intelligent Report Tool (BIRT).

About this task

With this functionality the administrator can manage a report starting from a custom template that has been previously created with Business Intelligent Report Tool (BIRT). The administrator can either put the information in the datasource before importing it in the Dynamic Workload Console or perform the steps below and add the information during the process of import or run using the engine connection data.

To create a Personalized Report perform the following steps:


  1. From the Navigation toolbar click Monitoring & Reporting > Reporting > Manage Personalized Reports.
  2. Click Import and insert a name and a description for the report.
  3. You can also specify whether to share the task with others or not.
  4. Check the box Run on dynamic workload engine to use the database connection data that are on the Dynamic Workload engine. Selecting it, you can choose between the following two options:
    Run on engine
    Select one or more engines to include in the report.
    Let users choose the engine
    Postpone the choice to a later time when the report runs.
  5. Click Choose a .rtpdesign file to import a template created with Business Intelligent Report Tool (BIRT).
  6. If needed, click Add property.file to assign a resource file to the report.
  7. click Import to upload the report.

Run your personalized reports created with BIRT

About this task

To run your personalized perform the following steps:


  1. From the Navigation toolbar click Monitoring & Reporting > Reporting > Personalized Reports.
  2. Click the specified icon to run the report as HTML, PDF, XSLX, DOC or PPTX format.