Easier deployment

The deployment of HCL Workload Automation has been substantially simplified.

The standard installation process has been dramatically improved, eliminating the method based on IBM® Installation Manager, and reducing the prerequisite software stack.

You can now deploy HCL Workload Automation using one of these methods:
Command-line based installation
The command-line installation is a very simple procedure, which supports installing all components (master domain manager, backup domain manager, dynamic domain manager, backup dynamic domain manager, Dynamic Workload Console, and agents) using dedicated commands. You can choose to maintain the default values already defined in the properties file, specify all or part of the parameters in the command line when typing the command, or edit all or part of the parameters stored in the properties file. For more information, see Typical installation scenario.
Docker containers
Docker is a platform that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. Docker adoption ensures standardization of your workload scheduling environment and provides an easy method to replicate environments quickly in development, build, test, and production environments, speeding up the time it takes to get from build to production significantly. Install your environment using Docker to improve scalability, portability, and efficiency.

For further details, see Deploying HCL Workload Automation with Docker compose.

To simplify administration, configuration, and backup and recovery on UNIX systems, a new default behavior has been implemented with regard to the storage of product data and data generated by HCL Workload Automation, such as logs and configuration information. These files are now stored by default in the <data_dir> directory, which you can optionally customize at installation time.

By default, this directory is TWA_home/TWSDATA for the server and agent components, and DWC_home/DWC_DATA for the Dynamic Workload Console. The product binaries are stored instead, in the installation directory.

You can optionally customize the <data_dir> directory at installation time by setting the --data_dir argument when you install using the command-line installation. If you want to maintain the previous behavior, you can set the --data_dir argument to the HCL Workload Automation installation directory.

If you deploy the product components using Docker containers, the <data_dir> is set to the default directory name and location, and it cannot be modified.

Find how easy it is to deploy HCL Workload Automation using containers and learn all the advantages of the integration between HCL Workload Automation and the containers world in the Unleash the power of containers with Workload Automation video.