AWS CloudFormation deployment of HCL Workload Automation

Resources and HCL Workload Automation deployment
This template deploys all the resources needed for the installation of HCL Workload Automation charts, and the charts themselves. The resources that can be deployed through this template are the following ones:
  • Amazon RDS Oracle Database
  • Ingress-Controller
  • HCL Workload AutomationMetering Service Account
  • Cert-Manager
  • HCL Workload Automation Charts
You must satisfy the following pre-requisites to successfully deploy this template:
  1. You must have the necessary permissions to create IAM roles on your account. If you do not have the necessary permissions, you must ask your administrator to create a role with the permissions to create IAM roles for you. Alternatively, an IAM Passrole with such permissions assigned can be passed to the template that is being run.
  2. Create three IAM Roles to be assigned, respectively, to the AWSQS Third Party Extensions to be activated in the account. The recommended policies to be assigned to such roles are the following ones:
    • KubernetesGetRole:
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
    • KubernetesHelmRole:
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
    • KubernetesResourceRole
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
  3. Activate the third party extensions on your account, through the AWS CloudFormation service, and assign them their corresponding execution roles. This can be done as follows:
    1. From the AWS Web user interface, reach the AWS CloudFormation service.

    2. On the left-side panel, go to Registry/Public extensions

    3. In the Filters panel, select Third-party in the Publisher section, and query for AWSQS in the Extensions search bar

    4. The resources you need to active are:
      • AWSQS::Kubernetes::Get
      • AWSQS::Kubernetes::Resource
      • AWSQS::Kubernetes::Helm
      Click each resource and follow these steps:
      1. Activate the resource

      2. Use the default name. Type the corresponding Execution Role ARN created in the previous steps. The ARN is presented in the format arn:aws:iam::<your_account_id>:role/role-name

      3. Click Activate extension
    Your queried third-party AWS CloudFormation extensions are now activated

  4. Patch the aws-auth ConfigMap that has been created in the target cluster where the resources and charts are installed. The three roles for the extensions must be added to this ConfigMap:
    1. Connect to your cluster. You can find the relevant information here
    2. Edit the ConfigMap through kubectl: kubectl edit configmap aws-auth -n kube-system
    3. Add the execution roles for the AWSQS extensions in the sysadmin group, in the data.mapRoles section:
              mapRoles: |
              - groups:
              - system:masters
              rolearn: arn:aws:iam::<your_account_id>:role/awsqs-kubernetes-helm
              username: arn:aws:iam::<your_account_id>:role/awsqs-kubernetes-helm
              - groups:
              - system:masters
              rolearn: arn:aws:iam::<your_account_id>:role/awsqs-kubernetes-get
              username: arn:aws:iam::<your_account_id>:role/awsqs-kubernetes-get
              - groups:
              - system:masters
              rolearn: arn:aws:iam::<your_account_id>:role/awsqs-kubernetes-resource
              username: arn:aws:iam::<your_account_id>:role/awsqs-kubernetes-resource
  5. You must create a security group to create the Amazon RDS Oracle Database: the ARN of this resource is provided as input in the second template. The security group must allow incoming connections for Oracle DB (tcp port 1521) and outgoing connections.
Download the template here:

Note: This link brings you to the stack creation page. Click Next to start the download.