
In this topic you can find information about how to uninstall the chart, clean up the orphaned Persistent Volumes and deprovision AWS resources.

To uninstall the deployed components associated with the chart and clean up the orphaned Persistent Volumes, run the following commands:
  1. Uninstall the hcl-workload-automation-prod deployment.
    helm uninstall release_name -n <workload_automation_namespace>

    The command removes all of the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and uninstalls the <workload_automation_release_name> release.

  2. Clean up orphaned Persistent Volumes.
    kubectl delete pvc -l <workload_automation_release_name> -n <workload_automation_namespace>
  3. Proceed with the deprovisioning of the deployed resources by deleting the stack on AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.
  4. Check if all the deployed resources, such as NGINX Ingress Controller, cert-manager, HCL Workload Automation and their related namespaces, have been deleted from the cluster. If not, run the following command to delete them manually:
    kubectl delete ns <namespace>

    When you delete the namespace, also the related resources inside that namespace are deleted.