About setting your view to a UCM activity

To work on an activity, you must set your development view to that activity. All work in your view is associated with the currently set activity, and each version that you create in your view is added to the activity change set.

Tip: Only one user should set an activity in the same UCM view at the same time. If multiple users attempt to set an activity in the same UCM view at the same time, one user succeeds and other users encounter a set activity retry error. Only one person should have primary use (make modifications) in a UCM view and other users should do read-only actions in the view.

You can set activities from the following locations:

  • HCL VersionVault Windows Explorer
  • Using the cleartool setactivity command in a shell or on the command line
  • Windows® that open during checkout, and checkin, and add to source control operations

You can also unset an activity and see which activity is currently set in the view.