Re-establishing the consistency of a dynamic view's derived object state

About this task

After you restore a VOB from backup, its VOB database mght be out of date with respect to certain derived objects. The old database does not store config records for any DOs that were created in subsequent builds. As a result, errors occur during hierarchical builds that reuse those late-arriving DOs to construct higher-level targets. In the typical case, clearmake displays an INTERNAL ERROR message and writes an entry of the following form in the error_log file:

missing config record for derived object (OID)


  1. Determine which DOs are causing the inconsistency.
    The cleartool ls command annotates them with [no config record].

    cleartool ls
    bldr_cr.msg.o [no config record]
    bldr_cr.o [no config record]

  2. Remove the DOs that have no config record.
    Use an operating system command such as rm or del.

    rm bldr_cr.msg.o bldr_cr.o