Special procedures for replicated VOBs

If you are moving a VOB replica to a new host, take the following steps first.

About this task

If the replica object is not self-mastered, change its mastership.


  1. Verify that the replica masters its own replica object.
    For a replica named portland, check which replica has mastership of the portland replica object:

    cleartool describe replica:portland@\libpub
    master replica: west

    multitool chmaster  replica:portland@\libpub  replica:portland@\libpub

    This step is not mandatory, but all replicas should master their own replica objects. (You can make this change at any time, as long as the replicas are synchronized.) For the purposes of moving a replica, this self-mastership prevents your team from having to diagnose and repair misdirected packet problems that might result. If the replica object names the wrong host, packets are sent to that host. (If this happens, move misdirected packets to the correct host and then import them.)
  2. Change the replica's host name property.
    After the last export from the replica's current location, use multitool chreplica to update the replica's host name. You must run this command from the site that masters the replica, which is the current site in most cases:

    multitool chreplica –host target-host replica:portland@\libpub
    Updated replica information for "portland".


Note: All replicas that export to the replica to be moved must be updated after the move through synchronizations from the moved replica's site (or from the site that runs the chreplica command, if it was not the current site).