How to disable parallel loading of web views for a single client

About this task

On the client, edit the initialization file for the GUI to set a Java property that disables parallel loading:


  1. Locate the .ini file:
    1. On VersionVault Explorer GUI, navigate to the RemoteClient subdirectory within the VersionVault installation directory (the UNIX system and Linux default is /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/RemoteClient; the Windows default is C:\Program Files\HCL\CCM\VersionVault\RemoteClient).
    2. On the Eclipse shell or other Eclipse-based GUI extended with VersionVault Explorer plugin, find the .inifile in the same directory as the executable file that runs the GUI.
  2. Open the .ini file for editing:
    1. On VersionVault Explorer GUI, the file is ctexplorer.ini
    2. On the Eclipse shell or other Eclipse-based GUI extended with the VersionVault Explorer plugin, the file is eclipse.ini
  3. Edit the .ini file:
    1. On VersionVault Explorer GUI, add two lines to the end of the file. As the first line, add -vmargs. As the second line, add -Dcom.hcl.ccm.ccrc.disableParallelLoad.
    2. On the Eclipse shell or other Eclipse-based GUI extended with VersionVault Explorer plugin, if there is no -vmargs line in the file, add one at the end, on a line by itself. After the line containing -vmargs, add this line: -Dcom.hcl.ccm.ccrc.disableParallelLoad.
  4. Restart the client:
    1. On VersionVault Explorer GUI, restart VersionVault Explorer.
    2. On the Eclipse shell or other Eclipse-based GUI extended with VersionVault Explorer plugin, restart Eclipse.