Individual file element or DO processing

When processing individual elements (no –pool option), the checkvob command takes the following steps for file elements:
  1. Check the element for –data (missing container) and –protection problems.
  2. If running in –fix mode, fixes protection and missing container problems:
    Note: Fix processing is blocked if the VOB, source pool, or element is locked.
    1. Locks the element.
    2. Fixes missing protection problems.
    3. Fixes missing data container problems by scanning the pool for missing or misplaced containers and reconstructing containers as necessary.
    4. Updates the VOB database to reference the reconstructed containers.
    5. For missing version data, updates the VOB database to dereference lost versions with the equivalent of rmver –data.
    6. Applies minor events to the element’s event history.
    7. Move alternate (unreferenced) containers for this element to pool’s lost+found directory.
    8. Unlock the element.
checkvob takes a similar approach to processing DOs:
  1. Checks for –data and –protection problems.
  2. If running in –fix mode, fixes protection and missing container problems:
    1. Fixes missing protection problems.
    2. For each missing container, removes the DO with the equivalent of rmdo.