
The selectChannels method selects the outbound channels that the passed-in offer should be sent to with the IChannelSelector interface.

java.util.List<java.lang.String> selectChannels
                                   java.lang.Object>> availableChannels,
                                   com.unicacorp.interact.api.Offer offer,
                                   optimization.IInteractSessionData sessionData)

Unica Interact tries to send this offer to all those returned channels.

The selectChannels method requires the following parameters:

  • availableChannels - a map of available outbound channels, which are configured in the Triggered Message UI in the Unica Interact design time settings. In each entry of the map, the key is the name of the channel and the value is the configured parameters for that channel in the Unica Interact design time. The iteration order of this map matches the order defined on that UI. If Profile Preferred Channel is used on the Triggered Message UI, it is replaced by the actual channel before this method is invoked. In addition, if the same channel occurs multiple times on the UI, only the occurrence with the highest priority is kept and all the duplicates are removed.
  • offer - the offer to be delivered
  • sessionData - the attributes currently stored in the associated Unica Interact session