
The getBatchStatusCode method returns the highest status code from the array of commands executed by the executeBatch method.


Return value

The getBatchStatusCode method returns an integer.

  • 0 - STATUS_SUCCESS-The method called completed with no errors.
  • 1 - STATUS_WARNING-The method called completed with at least one warning (but no errors).
  • 2 - STATUS_ERROR-The method called did not complete successfully and has at least one error.


The following code sample gives an example of how to retrieve the BatchStatusCode.

// Top level status code is a short cut to determine if there are any 
// non-successes in the array of Response objects
if(batchResponse.getBatchStatusCode() == Response.STATUS_SUCCESS)
  System.out.println("ExecuteBatch ran perfectly!");
else if(batchResponse.getBatchStatusCode() == Response.STATUS_WARNING)
  System.out.println("ExecuteBatch call processed with at least one warning");
  System.out.println("ExecuteBatch call processed with at least one error");
// Iterate through the array, and print out the message for any non-successes
for(Response response : batchResponse.getResponses())