Events that make a pattern

An event pattern is composed of series of events. The events that make the pattern’s state change to "condition-met" are called Qualifying Events, while the events that make the pattern pausing for evaluation are called Suspending Events. For example, “Pattern A” has two events, “open_bank_account”, “ATM_activity” and “offer_credit_card”, all must occurs in 2 months. If a customer has already applied and got bank’s credit card at the time of 1 month from time opening account, marketers would not want bother the customer again by offering card. Therefore, marketers can define a suspending event “got_card” in the pattern which will pause the pattern for evaluation. The marketers can also use setting “Effective duration” to set if the pattern is suspended forever (when not set) or just for a period of time.

Besides events that are defined by the customers, Interact also supports six event macros that can participate in pattern definition, as either Qualifying Events or Suspending Events. The following are the six macros.

  • offerAccepted
  • offerContacted
  • offerRejected
  • offerAcceptedInCategory
  • offerContactedInCategory
  • offerRejectedInCategory

offerAccepted, offerContacted or offerRejected for an offer can serve as an event in a pattern.

offerAcceptedInCategory, offerContactedInCategory, or offerRejectedInCategory groups offers that have the same attribute value can serve as an event in a pattern.