Naming requirements for profile and batch transaction files

As part of the process for setting up server groups, you can configure a Batch file connector on the Data Source Connectors tab on the Server Groups page. The system uses the name you specify to generate a file name.

Ensure that the names of your batch transaction and profile feed files exactly match the name shown on the Data Source Connectors tab on the Server Groups page.

When you define Batch file data source connectors for server groups, you supply a name. The system expects the names of batch transaction and profile feed files to contain this name plus additional information, as follows. In this example, data_source_name is the name you enter when you define the data source connector.

You must use this name format for the transaction and profile feed files that correspond to the data sources that you configure in Opportunity Detect.

Permitted characters for the name you enter are ASCII letters, numbers, and underscore. Do not use spaces or any other special characters

Date portion of the name

The date portion of the batch file name must have this format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss

Names of batch files must contain a date.

The date determines the order in which the files are processed. Files with the same timestamp are processed simultaneously. If you use a profile, you must create one for each set of files with a different timestamp.

During ramp-up, you might process multiple transaction files with different dates in a single run. If you are using profile files, you must include different profile files named with dates that match the date in the names of each of the transaction files.

How batch transaction files are processed

Opportunity Detect uses the data_source_name portion of the file name to identify multiple instances of a transaction data source.

You might have a series of batch transaction files, all with exactly the same fields, using different timestamps in their names. Every time you run a trigger system that uses this data, a file with a different date stamp and/or timestamp would be used.