Database View Details

Campaign database has list of views to define the Deliver data model. Please refer the following table for the view names and their description:

Table 1. Menu Items of Explore Menu
Database View Name Description
All Channels
UARE_CHANNELS_PERFORMANCE Provides a comparison analysis of all the campaign channels for contacts and response measures.
UARE_EMAIL_OVERVIEW Provides an analysis of all Email campaigns and Email Campaign Links for contacts and response measures.
UARE_EMAIL_DAY Provides an analysis of all Email campaigns and Email Campaign Links by day, for contacts and response measures.
UARE_EMAIL_HOUR Provides an hourly overview of the responses received for the Email campaign from the contacts.
UARE_EMAIL_RECIPIENT_CLICK Provides an overview of contact details and response measures for all the Email campaigns.
UARE_UNSUBSCRIBE_EMAIL Provides an overview of contact details that unsubscribed from Email campaigns.
UARE_ABEMAIL_OVERVIEW Provides an overview of the Email Campaign A/B test results for all variations.
Landing Page
UARE_LP_OVERVIEW Provides an analysis of all Landing Pages by day for response measures.
UARE_LP_DAY Provides an overview of the Landing Page links, by day, that were viewed or clicked by the contacts.
Mobile Push
UARE_MOBILE_OVERVIEW Provides an analysis of all Mobile Push campaigns for contacts and response measures by day that can be further broken to hourly-basis.
UARE_MOBILE_RECIPIENT_CLICK Provides an overview of contact details and response measures for all the Mobile Push campaigns.
UARE_SMS_OVERVIEW Provides an analysis of all SMS campaigns for contacts and response measures.
UARE_SMS_DAY Provides an analysis of SMS campaigns and SMS links for response measures by day that can be further broken to hourly-basis.
UARE_SMS_RECIPIENT_CLICK Provides an overview of contact details and response measures for all the SMS campaigns.
UARE_WHATSAPP_OVERVIEW Provides an analysis of all WhatsApp campaigns for contacts and response measures.
UARE_WHATSAPP_DAY Provides an analysis of WhatsApp campaigns for response measures by day that can be further broken to hourly-basis.
UARE_WHATSAPP_RECIPIENT_CLICK Provides an overview of contact details and response measures for all the WhatsApp campaigns.
Note: For information related to Database views related to Google Looker, see Appendix.