Displaying Deliver menu options

To use Unica Deliver, you must update the system configuration so that menu options for Deliver display in the Unica Platform interface. When you install Campaign, the installer also installs Deliver menus in the default partition. In case Campaign installer do not connect with the Platform system tables, you must configure them manually using the following steps. To display the required options, use the configTool utility that is supplied with your HCL Unica installation.

You must run configTool with specific parameters for each Deliver menu option. Running configTool updates system configuration settings. You must restart the web application server to apply the changes. Although Deliver is installed with Campaign, menu options for Deliver do not appear until after you run configTool and restart the web application server. In the tools directory of the Platform installation, the configTool utility is located in the bin folder.

Note: You must specify a path to the Deliver installation directory as a configTool parameter. The Deliver installation directory is a subdirectory of the Campaign installation directory.
  • To display Deliver Settings in the Settings menu.

    configTool.bat -v -i -p "Affinium|suite|uiNavigation|settingsMenu" -f "full_path_to_Deliver_installation_directory\conf\deliver_op_odsettings_navigation.xml"

  • To display Deliver Mailings in the Campaign menu.

    configTool.bat -v -i -p "Affinium|suite|uiNavigation|mainMenu|Campaign" -f "full_path_to_Deliver_installation_directory\conf\deliver_op_mailings_navigation.xml"

  • To display Quick Builder in the Campaign menu.

    configTool.bat -v -i -p "Affinium|suite|uiNavigation|mainMenu| Campaign" -f "full_path_to_Deliver_installation_directory\conf\deliver_op_new_documents_navigation.xml"

  • To display Deliver Documents in the Campaign menu.

    configTool.bat -v -i -p "Affinium|suite|uiNavigation|mainMenu|Campaign" -f "full_path_to_Deliver_installation_directory\conf\deliver_op_documents_navigation.xml"

  • To display Deliver Analytics in the Analytics menu.

    configTool.bat -v -i -p "Affinium|suite|uiNavigation|mainMenu|Analytics" -f "full_path_to_Deliver_installation_directory\conf\deliver_op_analytics_navigation.xml"

To verify that you successfully added the menu options, after you restart the web application server, log in to HCL Unica and open the Settings, Campaign, and Analytics menus to verify that the Deliver options appear.