Mapping a base record table to an existing fixed-width flat file

Map a new base record table to make data accessible to processes in flowcharts. You can map a new base record table to an existing fixed-width flat file on the Unica Campaign server within your partition. The file must be located under your partition root.

Before you begin

Before you map a user table, ensure that the table uses only the data types that Unica Campaign supports.


  1. Use one of the following methods to open the New table definition - Select the table type dialog:
    • If you are editing a flowchart, open the Admin menu and select Tables, or
    • If you are editing a flowchart, begin configuring a Select process, or
    • Select Settings > Campaign settings, then click Manage table mappings.
  2. If necessary, select Base record table, then click Next.
  3. Select Map to existing file, then click Next.
  4. Keep the default File type selection of Fixed-width flat file.
  5. In the Settings section of the window, click Browse to select the Source file from within your campaign partition root directory. Unica Campaign automatically populates the Dictionary file field with the same path and file name, except with the .dct extension. You can override this entry if necessary.