Initial table administration tasks

Administrators must perform several initial table-related tasks after Unica Campaign is installed.

Before you begin

The Unica Campaign installation must be complete, including:
  • Setup and configuration of the Unica Campaign system database.
  • Configuration of Unica Campaign to access any databases containing user tables (data sources are defined).
For instructions, see the Unica Campaign Installation Guide.


  1. Test system table access. See Testing system table access.
  2. Test user table access. See Testing user table access.
  3. Define any additional audience levels that you require. (Unica Campaign provides the Customer audience level but you might want to define others, such as Household.) See Audience level administration.
  4. Map the audience level system tables for all audiences that you want to report on, such as Customer. See Mapping Customer audience level system tables.
  5. Map user tables. See Mapping and unmapping user tables.