Naming guidelines for mapping user tables

Follow these guidelines when you create mapped table and field names.

  • Do not include spaces in the name.
  • Begin the name with an alphabetic character.
  • Do not use any unsupported characters. For more information about unsupported characters and naming restrictions for Unica Campaign objects, see Special characters in Unica Campaign object names.
  • Do not to use function names or keywords from the Macro Language for column headings on tables mapped from a database or a flat file. These reserved words can cause errors if used in column headings on mapped tables. For details about these reserved words, see the Macros for Unica User's Guide.
  • Field names are not case-sensitive. If a field has been mapped, you can change the case in the field name without affecting the mapping.
  • Do not use the following reserved keywords to map user tables: AGF, DF, ICGF, UCGF PDF, ZN, UserVar. If the reserved keywords are already used to map tables, remap the tables by using different names.