What's new in Traveler 12.0.2 Fix Pack 1?

The following enhancements are new in the Traveler 12.0.2 Fix Pack 1:

Clear the sync anchors for a device from the Traveler Web-based Administration interface

Using the tell traveler clearanchors command, the administrator can clear the sync anchors for a user's device(s). This is a light weight option to trigger a device to resync the data (mail, calendar, etc). This ability is now available as an action in the Traveler web-based Administration interface. For more information on the use and effect of clearing the sync anchors, see Resetting users and devices.

Updated APNS P12 files

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) p12 certificates updated to expire in February 2024. These certificates replace the files shipped with 12.0.1 Fix Pack 2, which expire in September 2023.

Note: For fixes delivered with Traveler 12.0.2 Fix Pack 1, see the release documentation support article KB0102527.