What's new in Traveler 12.0.1 Fix Pack 1?

The following enhancements are new in the Traveler 12.0.1 Fix Pack 1.

Viewing Rich Text Descriptions in Calendar Events and Notices

Users are now able to view rich text on their Verse iOS and Android devices for calendar event descriptions, including email notices. This means that any formatting (including color, style, font, hyperlinks, tables, etc.) used in calendar events will be viewable on the Verse iOS and Android mobile apps for the chair and invitees. For example, Teams meeting invitations will have a clickable link straight from the description. When enabled, formatting will be applied to new events and notices.

For more information on limitations, see the Calendar section of General limitations and restrictions and the associated sections for the HCL Verse Mobile limitations.

The server support for Calendar Rich Text can be enabled by setting the value NTS_CALENDAR_RICHTEXT_TO_DEVICE=true in the notes.ini file.

For more information see, Notes.ini settings.

Note: For HCL Verse for iOS or Android mobile clients, a minimum of 12.0.10 is required for viewing rich text descriptions support.