Deploying and configuring the enterprise database

This section contains instructions for deploying and configuring DB2, SQL, and MySQL enterprise databases for HCL Traveler.

Install the Server

Although it is possible to deploy the server together with Domino® and HCL Traveler, it is not recommended. DB2, SQL, or MySQL should be deployed on its own server, and the server should be a 64-bit system. The Database Server and Traveler Server(s) should be in the same timezone and their system clocks should be synchronized.
Note: For improved performance, using Solid State Drive technology with the database server is recommended. For additional information, see Capacity planning guidelines
Note: Ensure you are using the latest available supported version of your database technology. To see a complete list of supported database products see the system requirements for your HCL Traveler version.
Note: Make sure to set lower_case_table_names=1 in the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf for Linux or my.ini for Windows). This must be done before initialization and allows for the same table naming actions across platforms. For more information, see this article.
There are two options for configuring your enterprise database. The first option is the automatic schema migration method. For this option you will create a Database and a User, and then HCL Traveler will create, alter, and manage the Enterprise Database Schema. This can be considered the 'hands-off' approach. The second option is to manually create and handle the Database Schema using the supplied DDLs. This second option allows you to specifically customize the database to your needs or requirements.

Configure DB2® for HCL Traveler using the DB2® Command line

To configure DB2 using the DB2 Command, perform the following procedure:
  1. Create the DB2 database for Traveler. Specify your DB name for <db_name> in the command below.
    For Windows run the db2 command from Windows Command:
    For Linux or AIX:
    su - db2inst1
  2. Grant the DB Login User the requisite permissions defined in Permissions for DB2 Enterprise Database.

Configure DB2® for HCL Traveler using DDL

To configure DB2® using DDL, perform the following procedure:
  1. Unzip the HCL Traveler DDL in <domino install datadir>\traveler\cfg\db\ or TravelerSQL.tar.gz to the directory <sqldir> cd <sqldir>/DB2.
  2. Make any updates necessary, for example the location of files, sizes of the database, schema names, and so on.
  3. For Windows, create the DB Login user, HCL Traveler DB and DB objects, using the following command:
    db2cmd -c -w -i db2 -tvf createDb.sql 
    For Linux® or AIX®:
    su - db2inst1 
    db2 -tvf createDb.sql 
  4. For Windows, grant the necessary permissions to the DB Login user to the HCL Traveler DB, using the following command.
     db2cmd -c -w -i db2 -tvf appGrants.sql 
    For Linux® or AIX:
    db2 -tvf appGrants.sql 
  5. Create an Operating System User that matches the DB2® user specified in the appGrants.sql file.
  6. Update the notes.ini to add the following property to tell the system the HCL Traveler DB and its objects were created:
    If you changed the schema name in the DDL files, you must set the following property in the notes.ini, where <schemaname> is the schema name used in the DDL files:

Configure SQL for HCL Traveler using the SQL Server Management Studio

To configure SQL for HCL Traveler using the SQL Server Management Studio, perform the following procedure:
  1. Launch the SQL Server Management Studio and log in as an Admin user.
  2. Create a database user by right clicking Login from Security. Then select New Login.
  3. Enter a name and password for the user, set the password policies to your company's requirements, and keep the remaining settings as defaults.
  4. Click OK to create the profile.
  5. Create the database using the database wizard. Right click Database, then select New Database.
  6. Fill in the information in the wizard, selecting the defaults unless otherwise instructed. Enter a database name, then enter the new user name you created previously as the owner of the database.

    The recommended collation setting is Latin1_General_BIN.

  7. Click OK to create the database with these settings.
  8. Grant the DB Login User the requisite permissions defined in Permissions for Enterprise SQL server.

Configure SQL for HCL Traveler using DDL

To configure SQL using DDL, perform the following procedure:
  1. Unzip the HCL Traveler DDL in <domino install data dir>\traveler\cfg\db\ or TravelerSQL.tar.gz to the directory <sqldir> cd <sqldir>/SQLSERVER.
  2. Make any updates necessary, for example the location of files, sizes of the database, schema names, and so on.
  3. Create the DB Login user, HCL Traveler DB and DB objects.
    sqlcmd -U <admin_user> -P <admin_password> -i "createDb.sql" -v 
    filepath=<path_to_db> password=<password to use for traveler d
    db user>  
  4. Grant the necessary permissions to the DB Login user to the HCL Traveler DB.
     sqlcmd -U <admin_user> -P <admin_password> -i "appGrants.sql"
  5. Update the notes.ini to add the following property to tell the system the HCL Traveler DB and its objects were created:

Configure MySQL for HCL Traveler using the MySQL Command Line

  1. Start the MySQL Command Line Client and enter in the following to authenticate:
    mysql -u <admin_user> -p
  2. The prompt should now be the following format: mysql>.
  3. Enter the following to create the database:
    create database <database name>;
  4. Alter the database collation:
    alter database <database> collate utf8mb4_bin;
  5. Create a DB login User and grant User the requisite permissions defined in Permissions for MySQL.
    Use the following command to assign the minimum required permissions:
    create user <db login user> ;
    grant CREATE, ALTER, INDEX, INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, DELETE, DROP on <dbname>.* to '<db login user>'@'<traveler servers>';

    The db login user must have permissions granted for each server in the pool. The <traveler servers> can specify a wildcard for a set of Traveler servers' hostnames in a pool, or the wildcard character (%) to accept connection attempts for the user from any host. You can also specify a list of <db login user>@<traveler server>. For more information on the syntax, see MySQL GRANT command documentation.

Configure MySQL for HCL Traveler using DDL

  1. Unzip the HCL Traveler DDL in <domino install data dir>\traveler\cfg\db\ or TravelerSQL.tar.gz to the directory <mysqldir>, then cd <sqldir>/MYSQL.
  2. Make any updates necessary, for example the location of files, sizes of the database, schema names, username, and passwords.
  3. Start the MySQL Command Line Client and enter in the following command to build the Traveler database and user:
    mysql -u <admin_user> -p < createDb.sql
  4. Grant the necessary permissions to the DB Login user to the HCL Traveler DB:
    mysql -u <admin_user> -p < appGrants.sql
  5. Update the notes.ini to add the following property to tell the system the HCL Traveler DB and its objects were created: