Registering a new Sametime Video Manager with the Sametime System Console

After installing a Video Manager, register it with the Sametime® System Console.

Before you begin

This task is needed only if the Video Manager installation failed and the Video Manager cannot be accessed from the Sametime System Console.

About this task

During this task you will edit the following files; click the topic titles to see details on each file. Use Ctrl+Click to open the topic in a new browser tab or window so you can keep it open for reference:


  1. On the computer where the Video Manager is installed, log on as root.
  2. Navigate to the WAS_install_root/MediaServerPN/console directory.
  3. Make backup copies (using different names) of the and files.
  4. Edit the file and locate the SSCPassword setting; type the password associated with the Sametime System Console WebSphere administrator account before saving and closing the file.
    Table 1. settings
    Setting Description
    SSCHostName Provide the fully qualified host name of the Sametime System Console server.
    SSCHTTPPort Specify the HTTP port used for the Sametime System Console server if SSL is not enabled and the value for SSCSSLEnabled is "false."

    To determine the correct HTTP port, open the AboutThisProfile.txt file for the Sametime System Console Application Server Profile and use the setting specified for the "HTTP transport port." The default profile name is STSCAppProfile.

    SSCUserName Enter the IBM WebSphere Application Server User ID that you created when you installedSametime System Console. The default is wasadmin.
    SSCPassword Enter the WebSphere Application Server password associated with the SSCUserName.
    SSCSSLEnabled Change this value to "true" to connect to the Sametime System Console using a secure connection.
    SSCHTTPSPort Specify the HTTPS port used by the Sametime System Console server if SSCSSLEnabled is set to "true."
  5. Edit the file and set the following values before saving and closing the file:
    Table 2. settings
    Setting Description
    VMGRServerHost Type the fully qualified host name of the Video Manager server.
    VMGRServerHTTPPort Specify the HTTP port used for the Video Manager server.

    To determine the correct HTTP port, open the AboutThisProfile.txt file for the Video Manager's Application Server Profile and use the setting specified for the "HTTP transport port".

    WASUserID Type the WebSphere Application Server User ID that you created when you installed the Video Manager.
    WASPassword Type the password associated with the WebSphere administrator account.
    ProxyRegistrarHost Type the fully qualified host name of the Sametime SIP Proxy/Registrar server.
    ProxyRegistrarPort Specify the HTTP port that the Sametime SIP Proxy/Registrar server is listening on for communications from the Video Manager.
  6. Open a terminal and run the registration utility with the following command: sh

    The utility registers the server, generating a log file called ConsoleUtility.log and storing it in the console/logs directory. If the registration is successful, a will also be generated.

  7. Verify that the settings in the are correct and then manually run these registration scripts to ensure that there are no duplicate entries:
    • sh
    • sh
    • sh
  8. Start the Video Manager.