Syntax for comma-separated value file used in name change utility

A CSV file created in a text editor provides the server with the information it needs to make a name change to user contact lists or privacy lists. The CSV file includes the type of change (or descriptor) and typically provides details such as the old name and the new name, and optionally, the display name.

You can create the CSV text file using any text editor. Some spreadsheet programs also allow you to export spreadsheet values to a CSV file. The CSV file should include only the list of comma-separated old name, new name pairs that reflect the changes you have made to the directory. Do not include any header information in your CSV file. Name the file at your discretion. After you create the CSV file, store it in a network location that is accessible from the Sametime Server. You must browse to this file to import it when you create the Name Change Task from the Administrator's tool in Sametime.

When you create a CSV file, include the descriptor from Table 1 that corresponds to the task you are running. CSV files are case-sensitive and sensitive to spaces. You can create multiple CSV files but each CSV file can include only one descriptor and can complete only one task.
Table 1. Descriptors for the name change utility
Descriptor Purpose
ID Change specified first names, last names, display names, or group names.
ORGANIZATION Change the organization name for all users.
LDAP Changes all contact list information from Domino Directory format to LDAP format. For example, a user listed as CN=Maria Smith/OU=Sales/O=IBM changes to CN=Maria Smith,OU=Sales,O=IBM.
Note: This task can be performed only once because you can only convert the directory format one time.
DELETE Remove specified individual contact names from contact lists and privacy lists.
REPORT Generate textual output of vpuserinfo.nsf into CSV files.
REPLACE_HOST Change the community host for all users.

Using the REPORT descriptor

To use the REPORT descriptor, create two CSV files in the trace folder that capture the vpuserinfo.nsf tables for user's contact list, alert me list, and privacy list. The CSV file names will be similar to:
  • ConvertStorage_110308_0548.csv

    The first file contains the contact list and alert me list.

  • ConvertPrivacy_110308_0548.csv

    The second file contains the privacy list.

The second part of the CSV file includes one line for each change that includes the old name, the new name, and, optionally, the new display name. The following tables show the syntax for a variety of name changes.

Example CSV files

Each of the examples in this section shows how you can set up the CSV file to complete a different task.

Changing the user and group IDs:
CSV File Syntax Example
"old ID", "new ID"[,"new display name"]

where the [ ] indicate that the new display name is optional but if you use it, you must precede it with a comma as in the first example (where "Maria Brown" is the new display name), and the new display name must immediately follow the comma (if you leave a blank space between the comma and the new display name, the conversion will not work).

The ID task works by comparing existing user IDs with the names provided in the CSV list, and replacing the IDs when a match is found. By default, comparisons are case sensitive. The ID task allows case-insensitive comparisons of user IDs by adding NC_ID_TASK_CASE_INSENSITIVE=1 to the sametime.ini file.

Sample CSV showing changes from a Domino Directory:
Note: These examples have been formatted for spacing issues; make sure your syntax adheres to any restrictions noted in the text.
"CN=Maria Smith/OU=Sales/O=IBM",
	"CN=Maria Brown/OU=Sales/O=IBM",
	"Maria Brown"
"CN=John/OU=New York/O=IBM",
"52e811 85256500/Old Group",
	"52e811 85256500/New Group Name",
	"New Group Name" 

Note that "52e811 85256500" in the example is the replica ID of Domino Directory. Be sure to change the colon in the replica ID to a space. For example: "52e811:85256500" should be "52e811 85256500".

Sample CSV showing changes from an LDAP directory:

"CN=Maria Smith,OU=Sales,O=IBM",
	"CN=Maria Brown,OU=Sales,O=IBM",
	"Maria Brown"
"CN=John,OU=New York,O=IBM",
"CN=Old Group,OU=groups,O=IBM",
	"CN=New Group Name,OU=groups,O=IBM",
	"New Group Name"
Changing the organization name:
CSV File Syntax Example
Sample CSV showing changes from a Domino or LDAP directory:
Changing all contact list information from Domino® directory format to LDAP format (converts forward slashes in the hierarchical name to commas):
CSV File Syntax Example
Sample CSV:

You cannot change the format from LDAP to Domino.

Deleting specified users and groups:
CSV File Syntax Example
Sample CSV:
uid=John Deere,ou=sametime,dc=ibm,dc=com
uid=Marta Smith,ou=sametime,dc=ibm,dc=com
Verifying a name change:
CSV File Syntax Example
Sample CSV:
Changing the community host:
CSV File Syntax Example
Sample CSV: