Starting the OneDB Explore Agent with Start/Stop Script

About this task

This is an alternative step to the previous section to start the HCL OneDB™ Explore Agent.


  1. Create a HCL OneDB Explore Agent properties file.
    Sample properties file:
    # host and port of the OneDB Explore server
    # The id of the OneDB database server as defined in OneDB Explore

    Where is the id of the HCL OneDB database server in HCL OneDB Explore. You can find the server’s id on the server’s Setup page in the OneDB Explore UI. For more information, see HCL OneDB Explore Agent Configuration .

  2. Locate the start/stop script in the $ONEDB_HOME/explore directory and run the following command to start the server. OneDBExplore startAgent=agentName where agentName is the name of your process for HCL OneDB Explore Agent.
  3. At this point the agent is ready and running. Use the HCL OneDB Explore UI in your web browser to configure the monitoring profile and alerts for this server.