Creating an OneDB Database using OneDB Explore

About this task

This topic provides the steps to create a new database using OneDB Explore.


  1. Login to OneDB Explore using admin credentials.

  2. Click the Add Server button to enter the server information and credentials to establish the connection.

    1. Click the Test Connection button to verify if the server is online and click Submit.

    2. If the server is already configured, select the server and proceed to next step.

  3. Select Schema Manager from the left pane and existing databases will be displayed in the Select Database drop-down list.

  4. Click on and select Create Database to create a new database.

  5. Enter the details and then click Finish button to create the database.
    • Database name –Name of the new database. Must be a unique name.
    • Dbspace – Storage space allocated to store all the data related to this new database. It lists down all the available dbspaces in the server and the default is root dbspace.
      Note: User can create a dbspace of required size using the Storage – Spaces option from the left pane and click Create Space.
    • Language and Locale – Select a language, the database uses to store the data and then select the locale with the required code set to correctly interpret locale-sensitive data types (NCHAR and NVARCHAR).
    • Logging mode – Select one of the four options:
      • Unbuffered logging – All transactions are written to disk which makes it slower but recommended.
      • Buffered logging – Transactions can be used, and all logs are stored in buffer before written to disk.
      • ANSI-compliant logging – It enables implicit transaction.
      • No logging – Fast but not safe as transactions are not allowed.
    • Character Case


A new database is created, and select Info tab to view the details.