Using the sample schema

Depending on how you want to map, select one of the Message types as input or output or add a message content type as a MessageData component.

The mq.mtt schema is arranged so that you can easily integrate the provided definitions with any message data that you want to define.

The mq.mtt schema has definitions for:

  • MQSeries® Header MessageDescriptor

    The MessageDescriptor Header type defines the components and format of the message descriptor.

  • MQSeries® Header MessageDescriptor2

    The MessageDescriptor2 Header type defines the components and format of the message descriptor for IBM® MQ 5.x.

  • MQSeries® Header MQSLink4R3

    The MQSLink4R3 Header type defines the components and format of the IBM® MQ Link for R/3 Header. When the IBM® MQ Link for R/3 is used for source data, the input message data always contains a header; however, you must create the header for an output message. The IBM® MQ Link for R/3 Header is not optional. It always appears in your input data and it must be included when mapping output data.

The mq.mtt schema is organized so that you can drag the MQSeries® root type to another schema to easily use any of the IBM® MQ-specific headers.