Enabling automatic repair

Set the "DAOSmgr Repair" command to run automatically after every resynchronization.

In the DAOS configuration tab on the server document, you can set DAOSmgr Repair to run automatically whenever a DAOS resynchronization is performed.

If enabled, a repair cycle will be invoked after DAOS resynchronization completes. Alternatively, you could run a repair on a regular schedule using a Program Document or manually as needed.

It is best to run tell DAOSmgr Repair list missing once to assess the health of your server's DAOS repository. If there are zero (expected) or a small number of missing objects, then manually running tell DAOSmgr Repair is the best course of action. If there are a large number of DAOS objects missing (for example, a disk failure or volume loss), then you should restore the missing DAOS objects from a backup to restore the DAOS repository.

It is important to recognize that backups are unique to a specific encryption key. Objects should only be restored from a backup of the specific server unless you know that the backed up objects are unencrypted (highly discouraged) or use a shared encryption key to which this server has access. After the repository is in good shape, you can enable the automatic repair option or create a program document to periodically run the repair command.