Creating a Docker container for Domino Leap

Domino Leap 1.1 on Docker is a Domino on Docker server that has Domino Leap installed.

Domino configuration needs to be completed after installation. There are several options for performing the initial Domino configuration:
  • Remote setup - Deploying a new Domino server on Docker describes how to configure a Domino on Docker image using a remote Domino Admin client to perform the setup. You create a temporary docker container to perform the setup, then create a second docker container to run the configured Domino.
  • One-touch Domino config with system environment variables - Invoking one-touch Domino setup with system environment variables on Docker describes how you can configure and run Domino in one step. The items available to be configured are limited, but are sufficient for setting up a Traveler server.
  • One-touch Domino config with a JSON file - Invoking one-touch Domino setup with parameters in a JSON file on Docker describes the steps for defining and using a JSON file containing the Domino configuration items.

This procedure is almost identical to the one described in the Domino 12.02 documentation. For more information, see Deploying a new Domino server on Docker in the Domino documentation.

If you are using Remote server setup option, here is an example of a command to create a Domino Leap container:
docker run -it --name leap-1.1 -v notesdata:/local/notesdata --hostname \
    --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p 1352:1352 -p 443:443 -p 80:80 dleap-container:V1202-