WebSphere® infrastructure

Each of the HCL Docs components are WebSphere-based applications so each server needs to have a supported WebSphere® installed and configured. This topology also requires that a WebSphere® Deployment Manager is installed in addition to the other WebSphere® servers on the conversion, docs and proxy servers.


  • The WebSphere Version and Operating System fields help provide information to IBM® support or those helping with the deployment to ensure the supported WebSphere® application server and proper versions are being used.
  • SSODomain is used for the WebSphere® SSO configuration. In many instances this has already been configured as part of the IBM® Connections install so if HCL Docs is in the same cell, you can use the same configuration.
  • The WebSphere Install Directory and WebSphere Profiles Directory are the directories where WebSphere® was installed on the local system.
  • The Install Files Directory is the location the install packages for WebSphere® are located.
  • The Shared Resources Directory is the shared directory for packages installed with the IBM® Installation Manager. This is not used directly by the HCL Docs installation but should be recorded.
Table 1. WebSphere® infrastructure general parametersThis table provides suggested default values pertaining to WebSphere® infrastructure.

This table provides suggested default values pertaining to WebSphere® infrastructure.

Field Name Parameter
WebSphere® Version WAS_VERSION, for example,
Note: This guide uses version as an example, and all the steps followed are based on version The steps might be different for other supported WebSphere® versions. For the other supported WebSphere® versions, refer to the system requirements page: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27036813.
Operating System Linux: RHEL_VERSION, for example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (x86_64)
Windows: WINDOWS_VERSION, for example, Windows 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)
OS account for install Linux: OSACCOUNT_LINUX, for example, root
Windows: OSACCOUNT_WINDOWS, for example, Administrator
SSODomain SSO_DOMAIN, for example, .example.com
WebSphere® Install Directory Linux: WAS_INSTALLPATH_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
Windows: WAS_INSTALLPATH_WINDOWS, for example, C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
WebSphere® Profiles Directory Linux: WAS_PROFILES_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01
Windows: WAS_PROFILES_WINDOWS, for example, C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01
Note: If the Conversion Cluster or Docs Cluster has more than one member, the profile names must be the same. Otherwise, installation will be broken during centralization deployment.
Install Files Directory Linux: INSTALLFILES_LINUX, for example, /opt/install
Windows: INSTALLFILES_WINDOWS, for example, C:\install
Shared Resources Directory Linux: IMSHARED_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/IMShared
Windows: IMSHARED_WINDOWS, for example, C:\IBM\IMShared

Installation Manager:

The Installation Manager is used to deploy IBM® WebSphere® and the corresponding fixpacks. The Installation Manager Directory is the location the Installation Manager was installed.

Table 2. Installation Manager parameterThis table provides suggested default location for Installation Manager.

This table provides suggested default location for Installation Manager.

Field Name Parameter
Installation Manager Directory Linux: IIM_INSTALLPATH_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse
Windows: IIM_INSTALLPATH_WINDOWS, for example, C:\IBM\InstallationManager\eclipse


The Conversion, Docs, Viewer and Proxy servers need to communicate with the WebSphere® Deployment Manager during their deployments. The WAS Administrator – Username and WAS Administrator Password are the Deployment Manager credentials to be used during the install of the HCL Docs components.

Table 3. WAS Administrator credentials parameterThis table provides suggested default values for WAS Administrator credentials.

This table provides suggested default values for WAS Administrator credentials.

Field Name Parameter
WAS Administrator – Username WASADMIN_USERNAME, for example, wasadmin
WAS Administrator – Password WASADMIN_PASSWORD, for example, password

WebSphere® Administration URL: https://DocsLab01.example.com:9043/ibm/console.

Deployment Manager:

HCL Docs requires a Deployment Manager node which is used to communicate with each of the HCL Docs Clusters. The Server field is used by each of the HCL Docs components for installation. The Profile Name of the Deployment Manager is used during the extensions installs and deployment of the HCL Docs Help. Node Name and Cell Name can be recorded here as well but are not directly used by the HCL Docs install.

Table 4. Deployment Manager parametersThis table provides suggested default values for Deployment Manager.

Field Name Parameter
Server DMGR_HOST, for example, DocsLab01.example.com
Node Name DMGR_NODENAME, for example, dmgr
Profile Name DMGR_PROFILENAME, for example, Dmgr01
Cell Name CELL_CONNECTIONS, for example, ConnectionsCell


Specify each of the WebSphere® deployments with the Server, Profile Name and Platform that WebSphere® is deployed. This information is used to understand the topology of the deployment.

Table 5. WebSphere® deployments server parametersThis table provides suggested default values for WebSphere® deployments.

This table provides suggested default values for WebSphere® deployments.

Server Profile Name Platform
DMGR_HOST, for example, DocsLab01.example.com DMGR_PROFILENAME, for example, dmgr RHEL_VERSION, for example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (x86_64)
DocsLab01.example.com DocsLab01 RHEL_VERSION, for example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (x86_64)
DocsLab02.example.com DocsLab02 WINDOWS_VERSION, for example, Windows 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)