IBM® HTTP Servers

IBM® HTTP Servers (IHS) are used for loadbalancing and redirecting the docs related urls to the corresponding HCL Docs components. In most cases, the existing IHS server used for your IBM® Connections environment can be used.


  • The IBM HTTP Server Version and Operating System fields help provide information to IBM® support or those helping with the deployment to ensure the supported IHS server and proper versions are being used.
  • The IHS Install Directory is the location that IHS is installed on the local node.
  • The Plugins Directory and Toolbox Directory are the locations of the IHS files used to configure IHS for HCL Docs.
  • The OS account for install is the user account used to install the IHS server(s).
Table 1. IBM® HTTP servers general parametersThis table provides suggested default values for IBM® HTTP servers.

Field Name Parameter
IBM® HTTP Server Version WAS_VERSION, for example,
Operating System RHEL_VERSION, for example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (x86_64)
IHS Install Directory IHS_INSTALLPATH, for example, /opt/IBM/HTTPServer
Plugins Directory IHSPLUGINS_INSTALLPATH, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins
Toolbox Directory IHSTOOLBOX_INSTALLPATH, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Toolbox
OS account for install OSACCOUNT_LINUX, for example, root


Though not used specifically in the HCL Docs installation, the IBM HTTP Administrator credentials can be recorded here to assist in managing the IHS server.

Table 2. IBM® HTTP Administrator credentials parametersThis table provides suggested default values for IBM® HTTP Administrator credentials.

Username Group Password
IBM® HTTP Administrator IHSADMIN_USERNAME, for example, ihsadmin IHSADMIN_GROUPNAME, for example, ihsadmins IHSADMIN_PASSWORD, for example, password

Networking (Load Balancer):

If there is a load balancer for the IHS servers, you'll need to specify the Virtual Address:Port in the HCL Docs config files during the install. If there is no load balancer then you would specify the IHS hostname:port.

The Load Balancing Method can be recorded here as well but is not used directly by the HCL Docs installation process.

Table 3. Networking parametersThis table provides suggested default values pertaining to networking.

Field Name Parameter
Virtual Address:Port VHOST_IHS, for example,, for example, 80
Load Balancing Method LTM
Table 4. Networking parametersThis table provides suggested default values pertaining to networking.

Field Name Parameter
Virtual Address:Port VHOST_IHS, for example,, for example, 443
Load Balancing Method LTM


Specify each of the IHS servers used in the deployment topology. This information can be used by support to understand the architecture and structure of the overall deployment. Additionally, it is used when mapping the HCL Docs applications to the list of web servers.

Table 5. IHS servers parametersThis table provides suggested default values for IHS servers.

Server Node Name Server Name
1 IHS_HOSTNAME_1, for example, IHS_NODENAME_1, for example, DocsLab01 IHS_SERVERNAME_1, for example, DocsLab01-IHS
2 IHS_HOSTNAME_2, for example, IHS_NODENAME_2, for example, DocsLab02 IHS_SERVERNAME_2, for example, DocsLab02-IHS