Configure timeout properties for the WSRP communication | HCL Digital Experience

You can configure web service timeout properties for the WSRP communication on the Consumer. You can configure the timeout properties in the WP Configuration Service or as a preference specifically for remote portlets.

For a description of the timeout properties and the respective default values, go to JAX-WS timeout properties in the WebSphere® Application Server HCL Product Documentation.

To define the timeout properties, configure the following configuration parameters on the Consumer:

wsrp.consumer.connectiontimeout = (timeout in seconds)

wsrp.consumer.writetimeout = (timeout in seconds)

wsrp.consumer.responsetimeout = (timeout in seconds)

By default each of these parameters is undefined. The default setting means that the Consumer does not set a timeout property on an outgoing WSRP request. In this case, WebSphere® Application Server uses the default timeout properties as described in JAX-WS timeout properties.

If timeout properties are configured, the Consumer passes the timeout properties to WebSphere® Application Server in the MessageContext of an outgoing WSRP request. You therefore do not need to configure timeout settings in WebSphere® Application Server in a policy set.

You can set these parameters specifically for a remote portlet. To do so, set this parameter in the portal WP Configuration Service by using the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.

If you set a parameter both as a preference of a remote portlet and in the WP Configuration Service, the value that is defined in the preference of the remote portlet takes precedence.