Updating the context pool configuration | HCL Digital Experience

After you configure your LDAP user registry, you can adjust the number of context instances that the context pool concurrently maintains to improve performance.

Before you begin

In a stand-alone server environment, you can complete the following task when the servers are either stopped or started. In a clustered environment, start the deployment manager and node agent. Then, verify that they are able to synchronize.


  1. Go to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties directory.
  2. Open the wkplc.properties file with a text editor.
  3. Update the following parameters under the VMM LDAP context pool heading:
    Note: Go to the properties file for specific information about the parameters.
    • cp.ldap.id
    • cp.maxPoolSize
    • cp.initPoolSize
    • cp.prefPoolSize
    • cp.poolTimeout
    • cp.poolWaitTime
  4. Save your changes to the wkplc.properties file.
  5. Open a command prompt.
  6. Change to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine directory.
  7. Run the following task to update the context pool configuration for the LDAP user registry:
    • AIX® HP-UX Linux Solaris z/OS®:
      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-update-ldap-contextpool -DWasPassword=password
    • IBM® i:
      ConfigEngine.sh wp-update-ldap-contextpool -DWasPassword=password
    • Windows:
      ConfigEngine.bat wp-update-ldap-contextpool -DWasPassword=password
  8. Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes. For instructions, go to Starting and stopping servers, deployment managers, and node agents.