Configuring the task provider instance | HCL Digital Experience

After all the required components are set up, an Administrator can connect the Unified Task List to the remote Forms Experience Builder instance. After this configuration, the Unified Task List portlet starts to list the Forms application instances that are available to users logged in to HCL Digital Experience.


  1. Log in to HCL Portal as the Administrator.
  2. Click the Applications menu icon. Then, click Unified Task List to open the page with the Unified Task List portlet on it.
  3. Select Configure from the portlet menu.
  4. On the Configure page, select the Task Provider Instances link from the menu.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Forms Experience Builder.
  7. Enter a name for the new provider and then, click Enable.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Server Endpoint field, enter the Forms Experience Builder server URL and context.
    For example, {http|https}://{$serverHostname}:{$serverPort}/forms
  10. Click Search to load the applications and forms.
  11. Select the appropriate application and form.
  12. Optional: Select a stage of the form.
  13. Click Apply. Then, click Apply and OK.