Configuring the Manage Applications portlet | HCL Digital Experience

You can modify the search results of this portlet by changing the maximum number of items that a search retrieves and by changing the number of items that display on a page.

Before you begin

Depending on your access rights, you can configure or edit some the standard features of this portlet. If you select Configuration, changes affect all occurrences of the portlet on all pages for all users. If you select Edit shared settings, changes affect a particular instance of a portlet on a page and apply to all users who view that instance of the portlet on that page or on pages that are derived from that page. Changes made in Edit shared settings override changes made in Configuration.

About this task

Perform the following steps to make changes:


  1. Select Edit shared settings or Configuration from the portlet menu.
  2. Enter the maximum number of items the search will return in the Never show more than this number of items field.
  3. Enter the number of search result items to display on a page in the Number of items per page field.
  4. Click OK to continue or Cancel to quit.

What to do next

To see updates, log out of the portal, and then log back in.