News content | HCL Digital Experience

News is a general-purpose content type for posting current information to your site. News items are listed from newest to oldest, and generally fall out of view as time passes. The use of a filter form on the index allows users to search back through past news.

You can create a set of specific news areas for different types of news and then group them together under a landing page. Or if the site is arranged around some other grouping, such as an organizational unit, each of those groups can have its own news area.

The News content type is the only one that has a field for uploading video. It also uses the "featured" option, allowing a news item to be included in feature lists and special feature lists.

This release of Content Template Catalog includes a video element that is used to upload a file and specify its width and height. To add videos to a video element, use one of these approaches:
  • Use a cross-browser solution for the video play (for example, a Flash video player). You might also need to use a transcoding service to support mobile devices or slow connections.
  • Use a video-hosting service and use the hosting service’s embedded video player in your content.