Adding a metric bar to value streams

Add the Metric bar to the value stream.

You can provide metrics data to value streams and display the data in charts on the Metric bar. To enable the Metric bar, add metricsBar definitions to the value_stream_name-vsm.json file attached to the value stream.

To add the metric bar data to the value_stream_name-vsm.json file, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Value Streams page, click and select Edit value stream map.
  2. Add metricsBar definition to the value_stream_name-vsm.json file. The properties are defined later in this topic.
  3. Click Save.
  4. On the Value Streams page, click .

After enabling the metric bar, click add metric icon to add metrics for the data related to the value stream. Adding items to the value stream is described later in this topic.

Metric bar JSON parameters

Metric bar parameters are defined in the metricsBar area of the value_stream_name-vsm.json file.

Table 1. Efficiency metrics
Efficiency Metric Description
relativeTime Date range for data calculation. Valid values include HOUR24, DAY7, DAY30, DAY90, MONTH6, YEAR1, and ALL.
metricDefinitionId Metric definition to apply. Any metric definition defined to HCL DevOps Velocity (Velocity) can be referenced.
name Metric name
displayType Determines how data is rendered. Valid values are: bar, percent.
calculationType Determines how the data is aggregated. Valid values include mostRecent and trendMostRecent. The mostRecent value displays the most recent run compared to the average. The trendMostRecent adds a trend breakdown to the most recent data.

The following example adds a bar chart for work items over the past 30 days.

 "metricsBar": [
      "relativeTime": "DAY30",
      "metricDefinitionId": "WORK_ITEM_TYPE_COUNT",
      "name": "Work Item Type Count",
      "displayType": "bar",
      "calculationType": "trendMostRecent"

Metrics definitions

On the Value Streams page metric definitions are detailed in the following tables.

Delivery flow-type charts

Table 2. Delivery flow-type charts
Chart Description
Lead Time The time required for a dot to go from business acceptance to value realization. This includes both engineering time and non-value-added waiting time between sub-processes.
Lead Time Key Performance Indicator (KPI) The Lead Time KPI measures the efficiency of a dot to reach the defined target. You can define the target using the status rule. To define target for lead time KPI, see here.
Cycle Time This is similar to lead time, except cycle time is measured from when the development team begins work to when that work reaches the customer.
Cycle Time Key Performance Indicator (KPI) The Cycle Time KPI measures the efficiency of a dot to reach the defined target. You can define the target using the status rule. To define target for cycle time KPI, see here.
Dev Cycle Time This is similar to cycle time, except dev-cycle time is measured from when the development team begins work to when that work reaches end of the development (before the production stage).
Build Counts Number of builds by type in a specified time period.
Deployment Counts Number of deploys by status in a specified time period. The metric can be set to process names, environment, result, type, or application. The default metric is result. The data can scoped by data set, environment, process, result, or version.
Load The number of work items active or waiting in a value stream at a given time. Load measures utilization capabilities of value streams related to productivity in the process flow. "Active" refers to the stages from the lead-time start until the lead-time end.
Throughput The rate of work items completed during a period of time. Improving throughput can result in better responsiveness to customer requirements and may yield lead time reductions for value streams.
Distribution The proportion of different types of work items over time. This provides teams visibility into the type of work being completed (features, defects, tasks, and so forth.)
P.R.E Risk Probabilistic Risk Estimator (P.R.E) Risk provides estimated probability to miss current sprint goal.
P.R.E Deadline P.R.E Deadline provides estimated complete date for the current sprint.
Table 3. DORA charts
Chart Description
Deployment Frequency The number deployments into production environment.
Lead Time to Change The time required for a dot to go from commit to production deployment.
Time To Restore Service (MTTR) The time taken to resolve the incident.

For uncommon metric names between the Value Streams and Insights pages associated with delivery charts, refer to the following equivalence table for details.

Metric name equivalences

Table 4. Metric name equivalences
Value Streams Insights
Build Frequency (number per time) Build Counts (Number of builds by type in a specified time period.)
Average Load Load
Bottlleneck A constriction in local throughput that limits the global throughput of a system. Bottlenecks include a set of events or conditions that occur in the value stream that you monitor in the process. Refer to the bottleneck detection page for further details. Note: Bottleneck is not a metric. This indicator can be added and viewed only on the metrics bar and the value stream table view. N/A

Quality-type charts

Table 5. Quality-type charts
Chart Description
Coverage By Branch Percent of branches with associated tests executed during testing.
Coverage By Function Percent of program functions executed during testing.
Coverage By Line Percent of lines of code executed during testing.
Functional Tests Number of functional tests by status in a specified period of time.
Static Code Analysis Number of issues by severity in a specified period of time.
Unit Tests Number of tests by status in a specified period of time.

Risk-type charts

Table 6. Risk-type charts
Chart Description
Container Vulnerabilities Number of container vulnerabilities by severity in a specified period of time. The metric can be set to process names, environment, result, type, application, tag, or team. The default metric is result. The data can scoped by data set, process, or version.
Application Vulnerabilities Number of application vulnerabilities by severity in a specified period of time.

Metric bar display types

To add metric data to the Metric bar, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Value Streams page, click metric bar icon to display the metric bar.
  2. Click add a metric icon to display the Add Metrics window.
  3. Click add metric icon to add the required metric or click expand collapse icon to expand the required metric that is added to the Metric bar.
    Note: For metrics having an expand and collapse button, you can define the metric in the following step. For metrics having only an add button, Metric added! is displayed when you click the button.
  4. Define the metric by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Metric Title field, enter a name for the metric.
    2. In the Relative time field, select a time range. Data within the time range are calculated.
  5. Click Add to insert the metric into the Metric bar.
  6. The Metric added! pop-up is displayed next to the add metric icon icon.
  7. To edit the metric perform the following steps:
    1. Hover over the metric, click overflow icon and then select Editto make the required changes to the metric definition.
    2. Click Update.

      The changed metric definitions are be updated in the vsm.json file and the static metric graphs such as Lead Time, Cycle Time, DevCycle Time graphs.

  8. To remove a metric, hover over the metric, click overflow icon and then select Remove metric.
Note: In addition to lead time, cycle time and devcycle time, you can select up to six metrics for a total of eight metrics able for display at one time on the metric bar. Also, when you click on either the Lead Time, Cycle Time, or DevCycle Time on the Metric bar, the Lead time distribution, Cycle time distribution, or Dev time distribution graph window is respectively displayed.