Installation overview

You can find the information related to installing HCL DevOps Velocity (Velocity) on different container platforms.

Velocity is a containerized application and is built based on microservices architecture. The different components of Velocity run as microservices in containers, which are independent and consists of isolated runtime environments.

You can install the Velocity on the following container orchestration platforms:

For the supported versions of the platforms, see System Requirements.

Docker Compose

Docker is an open-source platform for developing, shipping, and running containerized applications. Docker allows you to define and run the multi-container Docker applications using the Docker Compose client or the Docker Desktop. For more information about containerized applications, see Containerization.

Docker Compose is a docker client used to define and run the multi-container Docker applications. With Docker Compose, you can define your application services in a YAML file and with a single command you can create and start all the services defined in the YAML file.

For more information about Docker Compose, refer to Docker Compose documentation.

When you want to use Velocity in Proof of Concepts (POC) or in a non-production testing environments, you can install Velocity on Docker Compose.
Attention: Do not use Velocity that is installed on Docker Compose in production environments.

To install on Docker Compose, see Installing on Docker Compose.


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform for running containerized applications. Using Kubernetes, you can automate the tasks such as deploying, load balancing, tracking resources, scaling up or scaling down of compute resources. Kubernetes is often referred to as Kube or K8s.

For more information about Kubernetes, refer to Kubernetes documentation.

Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift is a Kubernetes-based container orchestration and application development platform. It provides additional capabilities to Kubernetes orchestration such as enhanced security, built-in monitoring, and centralized policy management to have consistent experience across public cloud, on-premises, or hybrid cloud.

For more information, refer to Red Hat OpenShift documentation

To install Velocity on Red Hat OpenShift, see Installing on OpenShift using Helm charts.

Additional information

If you want to understand the basic differences between Docker compose, Kubernetes, and OpenShift, see Comparison of Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift.

Also, if you are not familiar about the concepts of microservices, containerization, container orchestration, and cloud services, see Overview of microservices, containerization and cloud services