Installing on OpenShift

You can find information about the methods and considerations for installation of HCL DevOps Velocity (Velocity) on OpenShift.

There are two methods in which you can install Velocity on OpenShift in a Kubernetes cluster that depends on whether your infrastructure is secured with a network firewall or not.

When your infrastructure is not secured with a network firewall, you can use the Online method of installation. In the online method, your computer must connect via the Internet to a remote repository to continuously download the Docker image for the installation.

When your infrastructure is secured with a network firewall, you can use the Offline method of installation.

The following table provides a comparison of the two methods of installation:

Parameter Online method Offline method
Infrastructure protection Not secured by firewalls Secured by firewalls
Internet connectivity Required Not required
Size of the downloaded installation file Small Larger than the one used in online method

Perform the tasks in the Installation prerequisites section before you proceed to installation. See Installation prerequisites.

To use the online method for installation of Velocity, see Installing on OpenShift by using the online method.

To use the offline method for installation of Velocity, see Installing on OpenShift by using the offline method.

For the better performance of Velocity installed on OpenShift, you must allocate different nodes and set limits for the resources. For more information, see Node allocation and Resource limits.