Changing runtime tracing settings

You can edit the configuration settings for runtime tracing to specify how the trace dumps are performed and how the UML sequence diagram is drawn during or after the execution of the program.


To change the runtime tracing settings:
  1. In the project explorer, right-click the project on which you want to change the settings and click Properties.
  2. Click C/C++ Build > Settings and select Build Settings.
  3. Expand Runtime tracing to access the runtime tracing settings and set the required options for dumping trace data and drawing UML sequence diagrams.
    Instrumentation control
    Runtime Tracing file name (.tdf)
    This allows you to force a filename and path for the dynamic .tdf file. By default, the .tdf carries the name of the application node.
    Show data classes
    When this option is disabled, structures or classes that do not contain methods are excluded from instrumentation. Disable this option to reduce instrumentation overhead.
    Trace control
    Split trace file
    When you use several runtime analysis tools together, the executable produces a multiplexed trace file, containing the output data for each tool. Use this option to split the generated atlout.spt output trace file into multiple files.
    Maximum size (Kbytes)
    This specifies the maximum size for a split .tdf file. When this size is reached, a new split .tdf file is created.
    File name prefix:
    By default, split files are named as att_<number>.tdf, where <number> is a 4-digit sequence number. This setting allows you to replace the att_ prefix with the prefix of your choice.
    Automatic loop detection
    Loop detection simplifies UML sequence diagrams by summarizing repeating traces into a loop symbol. Loops are an extension to the UML sequence diagram standard and are not supported by UML.
    Additional options
    This setting allows you to add command line options. Normally, this line should be left blank.
    Display maximum call level
    When selected, the target deployment port records the highest level attained by the call stack during the trace. This information is displayed at the end of the UML sequence diagram in the runtime tracing viewer as Maximum calling level reached.
    Runtime options
    Disable on-the-fly mode
    When selected, this setting stops on-the-fly updating of the dynamic .tdf file. This option is primarily for target deployment ports that use printf output.
    Runtime tracing buffer and Partial Runtime Tracing flush
    See Advanced runtime tracing for more information about these settings.
    Maximum buffer size (events)
    The maximum number of events recorded in the buffer before it is flushed.
    User signal action
    Specify an action to be performed when a user signal is detected:
    • No action: nothing.
    • Flush call stack: the call stack is flushed to the trace file.
    • Runtime tracing on/off: toggles the runtime tracing feature on or off.
    Record and display time stamp
    This setting adds timestamp information to each element in the UML sequence diagram generated by runtime tracing.
    Record and display heap size
    This setting enables the heap size bar in the UML sequence diagram generated by runtime tracing.
    Record and display thread info
    This setting enables the Thread Bar in the UML sequence diagram generated by runtime tracing.
  4. Click OK, Apply the changes and close the Properties window.