Runtime tracing overview

Runtime Tracing is a feature for monitoring real time interaction of your code in a dynamic UML sequence diagram. Runtime tracing uses source code instrumentation to generate trace data, which produces a UML sequence diagram.

UML sequence diagrams

The lifeline of an object is represented in the trace viewer as shown below. The instance creation box displays the name of the instance. For more information about UML sequence diagrams, see the UML sequence diagram reference.

Step-by-step mode

When tracing large applications, it may be useful to slow down the display of the UML sequence diagram. You can do this by enabling the step-by-step mode in the trace viewer.


Sequence diagram triggers allow you to predefine automatic start and stop parameters for the trace viewer. The trigger capability is useful if you only want to trace a specific portion of an instrumented application. Triggers can be inactive, time-dependent, or event-dependent.


You can manually add your own notes inside your source code to make them display in the UML sequence diagram when runtime tracing is enabled. To do this, you must insert the following instrumentation pragma macro, into the C source code of the program:
#pragma attol att_insert_ATT_USER_NOTE("Text")