Getting started with DevOps Test Embedded for Eclipse IDE

HCL DevOps Test Embedded for Eclipse IDE (Test Embedded for Eclipse IDE) is designed to integrate into your existing Eclipse-based tool chain. Use this section as a guide to a typical workflow for testing and evaluating your C source code in the Eclipse CDT environment.

Before you begin

These guidelines assume that you have some familiarity with the following concepts and tools:
  • The Eclipse CDT development environment.
  • The features and tools provided by Test Embedded.
  • The target platform on which you plan to run the tests.

About this task

It is important to understand the concepts and assets used by the product.


To start using Test Embedded:
  1. Familiarize yourself with the features and tools provided by the product. See Overview and Test assets overview.
  2. Choose whether you are going to create a new project or import an existing CDT project.
    • If you already have an Eclipse CDT project, import the project into Test Embedded for Eclipse IDE and convert it into a Test Embedded project. See Importing C projects.
    • If you are starting a new C project or if want to import an unmanaged C project into Eclipse, create a new Test Embedded project and import the source files. See Creating test projects.
    Note: There is currently no migration path from Test Embedded Studio test scripts and command line tools into the Test Embedded for Eclipse IDE environment.
  3. Verify that the C source files build and run correctly.
    Resolve any compilation errors if necessary.
  4. Open the call graph to view the structure of your source code and create a new test harness. See Creating test harnesses from the call graph.
    The generated test harness contains a test case, and optionally a stub behavior.
  5. Open the test case and edit the initial and expected expressions for the each variable check. See Editing test cases.
  6. Run the test harness and compare the obtained values with the expected values for each variable in the test case editor. See Running a test harness.
    If necessary, repeat from step 4 to ensure that you obtain a passed test result.
  7. Generate a test report from the results. See Generating test reports.
  8. Deploy and run your test on the target platform by changing the test configuration and running the test again. See Switching test configurations.

What to do next

Once your test harness is running correctly, you can use more of the features of the product: