Importing C projects

You can either create a new C project with the Eclipse CDT tools or you can import your existing C source files or Eclipse projects into your HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) workspace.

About this task

Test Embedded can only work with its own CDT managed build toolchain. Therefore, imported projects must be converted to Test Embedded projects.


To import an existing C project:
  1. Click File > Import > General > Existing projects into workspace.
  2. Follow the wizard to import the project into the workspace.
  3. After importing, right-click the project and select Convert to Test Embedded Project.
  4. Select the default target deployment port (TDP) for the project and click Finish.
  5. If you have not already enabled CDT indexing, click Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Indexer, select Index unused headers and click OK.


After conversion, the toolchain of the project is configured to use Test Embedded instead of the default toolchain. If necessary, you can temporarily switch to the original toolchain in the project properties. However, you must switch back to the Test Embedded toolchain to use Test Embedded runtime analysis and component testing tools.
Tip: You can edit the CDT managed build toolchain to use environment variables with the UNIX notation $$. This can be useful when you are sharing projects with other users.